
Looma's - Cake Delivery Sydney


Cards and Plaques for Cake Orders

Posted by Michael Khatib on Jun 19, 2016

Cards and Plaques for Cake Orders

Customers often add the option of a greeting card and/or plaque with their cakemacaron or croquembouche delivery order, especially when sending it as a birthday or other gift.

Up to now, our greeting cards have been hand written on a Looma's branded card the size of a standard business card, and stapled to the front of the cake box.

Although this has worked for 4+ years (albeit with a few customer complaints), as one of the business owners it makes me cringe that the greeting cards don't look more 'professional'.

To that end, we're working on a solution to have the greeting cards printed onto a sticker with a font that resembles a hand written note. This might seem like a trivial thing but as per a common saying between our management team, "a good business is a million little things done right"!